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An aircraft borne dust particle counter and its application to the study of clear air turbulence

Posted on:1971-02-28Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of WyomingCandidate:Sadler, Robert AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017971708Subject:Environmental Engineering
Aerosol profiles in regions of small amplitude mountain waves and areas of clear air turbulence were obtained by direct sampling techniques. The purpose was to evaluate the performance of an air-borne, photoelectric dust particle counter at high airspeeds and to investigate the relation, if any, between aerosol density gradients and mountain waves and associated turbulence. The results indicated that the photoelectric counter would be effective as a direct sampling device at high airspeeds if the effects of impaction on the external sampling device could be minimized. The data obtained was qualitative in nature but yielded a relation between aerosol density gradients and mountain waves in several instances.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mountain waves, Counter
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