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The heart of the home: Developing the modern kitchen in Little Rock's Boyle Hous

Posted on:2017-09-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Arkansas at Little RockCandidate:Butler, DanielleFull Text:PDF
GTID:2472390017962628Subject:American history
In 1922, kitchens in Arkansas looked quite a bit different than they do today. In this same vein, Arkansas kitchens were very different from other contemporary examples on the East coast that have been studied as an archetype for kitchen development nationwide. This project was designed to serve as a primary example of the changes in kitchens in Arkansas.;Entitled The Heart of the Home, the project consisted of a tour that featured the kitchen of the Boyle House at 2020 Arch Street. The tour focused on the changes in the Boyle House kitchen from the construction of the home to the present, covering almost 100 years and emphasizing the lives of three of the matriarchs of the home. These women made changes to the Boyle House kitchen influenced by current styles, technology, and changes in gender roles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kitchen, Home, Boyle, Changes
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