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An analysis of the demand for emergency medical service in a medium sized city (New York)

Posted on:1997-07-01Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:New York Medical CollegeCandidate:Perkins, William JosephFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390014980222Subject:Health Sciences
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) utilization in the Yonkers, New York was examined in a retrospective study in an attempt to develop a model to predict EMS demand. 1,461 prehospital Patient Care Reports were randomly sampled from years 1990-1993. Across all age groups, males were more likely to utilize EMS than were females, {dollar}chisp2{dollar} (1,1456) = 9.56, {dollar}p < .01{dollar}. Basic Life Support calls accounted for 61.5% of both Basic and Advanced life support calls, {dollar}chisp2{dollar} (1,1391) = 74, {dollar}p < .01{dollar}. Multiple regression analysis showed that the independent variables of Nonwhite Population and Median Household Income accounted for an estimated 55% of variation in the dependent variable Rate of EMS Calls. Future studies of EMS demand in Yonkers should include a larger sample so that the health status of groups of people from different census tracts may be assessed; perhaps leading to interventions that may decrease the rate of EMS utilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:EMS, Demand
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