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The design of an employee development program for a fiber optic telecommunications carrier

Posted on:2000-02-14Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Alaska AnchorageCandidate:Schleusner, Nannie Walling WhiteFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390014962643Subject:Business Administration
An effective employee development program (EDP) is vital to enhancing a company's bottom line. Without such a program, development is haphazard, intellectual capital is unmanageable, education and training occur at random, if at all, employee loyalty is diminished, and employee knowledge and skills become obsolete. In new organizations, opportunities exist to envision and shape EDPs as integral parts of strategic business plans.;Findings indicated an EDP should be implemented at WCIC. Core topics were identified, position profiles were developed, career paths were identified and a career management guide was created as part of a comprehensive employee development program.;The purpose of this study was to justify and create an EDP for telecommunications carrier WCI Cable and its affiliates (collectively WCIC). The population consisted of Company employees in Anchorage, Alaska; Beaverton, Oregon; and Hillsboro, Oregon. An original survey assessed the types of training and education required by Company employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee development program, EDP
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