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Baseline diagnostic of implementing lean manufacturing on the Boeing 717

Posted on:2001-02-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Roberts, Terri MichelleFull Text:PDF
The objective of this project was to eliminate waste associated with walking and idled time by using the concepts of Lean Manufacturing on the Boeing 717. Several Lean initiatives were deployed which involved changing and improving work areas for continuous flow and improved efficiency. The techniques that were implemented to eliminate waste on the 717 program were Accelerated Improvement Workshops, Five "S," Point of Use and Standards Work. Lean manufacturing reduced the span time of building the 717 by four days. There was a fifty percent reduction in floor space. A consolidation of work in process and an elimination of unnecessary assembly time. The total cost savings per airplane was estimated to be approximately {dollar}860,000.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lean manufacturing, Time
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