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Customer service as indicator of logistics performance at Bonavel, S.A (Panama)

Posted on:2002-09-01Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Salamin P., David SFull Text:PDF
In times of tough competition when many organizations offer similar products in terms of price, features, and quality, customer service differentiation can provide an organization with a distinct advantage over the competition. However, Customer service is the result of how the logistics system is performing to meet customers expectations, that's why a customer service analysis should provides a clear outlook of customer's perception of the firm's performance. From this stand point, this project proposes to recommend some tools and ideas to improve quality and gain competitive advantages through the efficient manage of their logistics activities.; Using the following three techniques for developing the investigation: First, a brainstorming meeting with sales people, including supervisors and managers to obtain a list of attributes that customers consider as hygiene and satisfiers; Second, the Malcolm Baldrige Awards Self-Diagnostic Questionnaire conducted to the top three executives to obtain managerial perception of their own customer service quality; Third, a Five Gap Analysis of Bonavel's service quality situation, based on the Service Quality Model created by Parasuram, Zeithaml, and Berry.; From these analysis we found that there are several types of hygiene and satisfiers attributes in each of the Pre-sale, Transaction and Post-sale elements that Bonavel needs to offer in order to meet customer expectations. However, the Bonavel's Customer Service Quality perceptions of the top three managers differ a lot from one to the other, meaning that probably they are not working syncronized, as it should. Finally, the results of the gap analysis shows a lack of research, planing and design, implementation activities, necessary for providing a basic customer service level to satisfy customers expectations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer service, Quality, Logistics
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