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Patterning flows and polymers

Posted on:2003-11-04Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Stroock, Abraham DuncanFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the use of patterned surfaces for controlling fluid dynamics on a sub-millimeter scale, and for fabricating a new class of polymeric materials. In chapters 1–4, chemical and mechanical structures were used to control the form of flows of fluids in microchannels. This work was done in the context of the development of microfluidic technology for performing chemical tasks in portable, integrated devices. Chapter 1 reviews this work for an audience of chemists who are potential users of these techniques in the development of micro-analytical and micro-synthetic devices. Appendix 1 contains a more general review of microfluidics. Chapter 2 presents experimental results on the use of patterned surface charge density to create new electroosmotic (EO) flows in microchannels; the chapter includes a successful model of the observed flows. In Chapter 3, patterns of topography on the wall of a microchannel were used to generate recirculation in pressure-driven flows. The design and characterization of an efficient mixer based on these flows is presented. A theoretical treatment of these flows is given in Appendix 2. The experimental methods used for the work with both EO and pressure-driven flows are presented in Chapter 4.; In Chapter 5, a pattern of asymmetrical grooves in a heated plate was used to perturb Marangoni-Bénard (M-B) convection, a dynamic system that spontaneously forms patterned flows. The interaction of the imposed pattern and the inherent pattern of the M-B convection led to a net flow in the plane of convecting layer of fluid. The direction of this flow depended on the orientation of the asymmetrical grooves, the temperature difference across the layer, and the thickness of the layer. A phenomenological model is presented to explain this ratchet effect in which local recirculation was coupled into a global flow.; In Chapter 6, surfaces patterned by microcontact printing were used as a workbench on which to build molecularly thin polymer films of well-defined lateral size and shape for subsequent release into solution; the released structures are referred to as two-dimensional (2D) polymers. This type of structure has been a theoretical curiosity and an experimental challenge for several decades. The key element of this method was the use of hydrophobic interactions as a “switchable” adhesive that attached the films to the surface during growth in water and then allowed the completed films to be removed in air. The structure and chemical composition of the films was characterized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Flows, Pattern, Films
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