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Business in the 21st century: From bureaucracy to learning organization

Posted on:2004-02-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Kardas, Theresa AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011968311Subject:Business Administration
The topic of this thesis is "Business in the 21st Century: Bureaucracy to Learning Organization" and is based on a review of various forms of literature. It looks at trends in business and why American industry is losing its competitive advantage to foreign firms. It explores how American industry can regain its competitiveness through a paradigm shift from a bureaucracy to that of a learning organization. The features of a learning organization along with Senge's disciplines, leadership and working in teams are discussed. To support the learning organization, two industries that successfully implemented its features were examined. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made based on the literature review.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning organization, Business, Bureaucracy
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