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Conceptual models for knowledge management: An empirical study using Knowledge Forum

Posted on:2002-06-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Mylopoulos, MariaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011494056Subject:Information Science
Advances in telecommunications and computer software and hardware have led to an ever-increasing amount of information, and a corresponding need for knowledge management tools. Knowledge Forum is software designed to support creative work with ideas, and a goal of its workplace applications is to maximize affordances for knowledge management while supporting knowledge building and innovation. Recently, conceptual models have been proposed as supports for knowledge management. Specifically, models can be used as tools for organizing, representing and communicating information. The present study sought to empirically evaluate the potential benefits of using conceptual models as tools for knowledge building in a work environment supported by Knowledge Forum. A qualitative case study was conducted using six participants. Conceptual modeling was used first as a tool for each individual to express his/her understanding of the project and second as a collaborative representation of the groups understanding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge management, Conceptual models, Using
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