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IT Projects in Critical Situations (IT-PICS) A Systematic Approach to Project Intervention and Rescue (I&R) Doctor of Management in Information Technology

Posted on:2012-05-12Degree:D.M.I.TType:Thesis
University:Lawrence Technological UniversityCandidate:Dawwas, Mahmoud IFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390011465624Subject:Business Administration
Information Technology (IT) based projects and programs have high rates of failures. In a recent investigation of IT projects' performance, Liao (2007) summarized that forty-six percent (46%) of all projects were categorized as challenged (significantly over budget and schedule), while nineteen (19%) percent failed. Sixty-five percent (65%) of all projects either failed to deliver any useful product and/or partially delivered what was specified and/or desired. In 2009, Standish Group's released report, "CHAOS Summary 2009," showed a marked decrease in project success rates, with thirty-two percent (32%) of all projects succeeding, forty-four percent (44%) were challenged, and twenty-four percent (24%) failed. These 2009 numbers represent a downward trend in the success rates from previous studies, over a decade. These observations cross industry lines and know no boundaries.;Despite research regarding the causes of IT project failures and identification of remedies, the high rate of IT project failures are persistent. The cost of failing projects is great and can have a devastating impact on corporations' bottom line (Anand, and Mahendra, 2004). This research addresses the need to improve IT project success rates, by a process of project intervention and rescue (I&R) for IT Projects that are in a troubled "critical situation" or about to get into trouble. A critical situation develops when the delivery of the IT Projects intended core product, service or planned business outcome "value" is in jeopardy.;The area of rescuing troubled projects and programs represents a huge opportunity of cost savings, schedule delay avoidance, and should yield a much needed competitive advantage when treated proactively. Since it would not be practical for any organization to intervene and rescue every troubled project, it will be imperative to develop and utilize an agile approach to recognize ailing projects and perform the remedial action of intervention and rescue.
Keywords/Search Tags:Projects, Intervention and rescue, Critical, Rates
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