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Developing a knowledge base to incorporate traditional knowledge with geographic information systems

Posted on:1999-01-23Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Clayton, Deena LynnFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents research using a case based reasoner (CBR) to develop a traditional knowledge base for the Gwich'in of the Northwest Territories. A prototype was developed, on a stand-alone machine and on the Internet, to assist Gwich'in resource managers with decision-making by incorporating the knowledge from interviews with Gwich'in elders into a CBR. Resource managers are able to search the prototype by entering a query, answering a series of interactive questions and receiving an appropriate response through the CBR. On a stand-alone machine, the CBR responses include scripts which launch images created in a geographic information system (GIS). This allows the user access to descriptive data from the interviews, as well as spatial data in the GIS images. Access on a stand-alone machine is limited, but integration of the knowledge base with GIS on the Internet offers potential solutions which should be further explored in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge base, CBR, GIS
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