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In the event of an event: A minimalist account of 'subjects'

Posted on:1998-04-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)Candidate:Wharram, DouglasFull Text:PDF
This thesis investigates, within a minimalist framework (Chomsky (1993 et seq.)), some of the properties of "subjects". It is demonstrated that the term "subject" picks out whatever element occupies the highest argumental position within its clause at LF, following reconstruction effects.; In Chapter One, several recent analyses of certain "non-finite" clauses in the ergative Inuktitut/West Greenlandic languages and Lezgian are examined. I conclude that, in each case, the clauses in question are finite. It is proposed that the conspicuous absence, or near-absence, of non-finite control structures in ergative languages derives from the fact that arguments licensed as PRO in such languages do not typically occupy a position where they can be controlled by an element in a higher clause. I consider one strategy made use of by the (ergative) Mayan language Jacaltec to make such clauses possible.; In Chapter Two, standard assumptions with respect to a 'subject/object' extractability asymmetry are reconsidered, in light of data from English. Second, two non-finite constructions--one in Italian and another in European Portuguese--are considered.; In Chapter Three, I offer a preliminary analysis which derives 'accusative' versus 'ergative' Case checking patterns in strict terms of Economy, depending on the strength of certain features. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Minimalist
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