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An R-PAS Psychometric Study with a Batterer Intervention Program Sample

Posted on:2017-08-25Degree:Psy.DType:Thesis
University:Regent UniversityCandidate:Diamond, Ashley MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390014460906Subject:Personality psychology
The Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) is an innovative system for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Rorschach that is based on the latest research. Being that it is an innovative system, the psychometric properties of the R-PAS must be established through empirical research to validate its use. Only one study to date has been published on the inter-rater reliability of the R-PAS, so additional studies are needed to replicate the findings. Additionally, studying the utility of the R-PAS in various contexts would validate its use with specific populations. Although the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS) is frequently used in forensic settings, the R-PAS has not yet been validated for forensic purposes. This study assessed the psychometric properties of the R-PAS in a batterer intervention program sample (N = 30). Three hypotheses were generated for this study. Results indicate that the median exact agreement (ICC) for R-PAS Page 1 infrequent and commonly occurring variables was .87. Out of the 28 variables assessed, 21 (75%) had excellent reliability, three (11%) had good reliability, two (7%) had fair reliability, and two (7%) had poor reliability. As hypothesized, scoring accuracy for FQu% was lower than all other R-PAS variables analyzed. Finally, a mean score profile was generated for the overall sample. It was predicted that AGC and MOR mean score elevations would be found; this hypothesis was not supported. This study aligns with previous research (Viglione, Blume-Marcovici, Miller, Giromini, & Meyer, 2012) demonstrating that the majority of R-PAS Page 1 variables can be scored reliably. This study also provides initial support for the utility of the R-PAS in a forensic sample.
Keywords/Search Tags:R-PAS, Sample, Psychometric, System
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