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The experience of Saint John University library staff members with technology in the workplace (Thailand)

Posted on:2003-08-17Degree:Ed.SpecType:Thesis
University:Central Missouri State UniversityCandidate:Praputum, KorapatFull Text:PDF
GTID:2468390011988136Subject:Library science
Technology plays an important role in the library at the present time. Saint John University Library, Bangkok, Thailand, also is concerned with technology challenges in the library. This thesis is a case study which presents the collective experience of Saint John University Library staff members using technology in the workplace and explores the impact technology has had on them. The data were collected using a survey instrument sent via electronic mail. All twenty staff members participated in this study. The results were analyzed by using percentage and mean scores. The study found that technology had a major impact on the work of the library staff. Seventy percent of the respondents thought that technology made their work more efficient than in the past, and 100% used technology at least once a week. The thesis concludes with recommendations for increasing the technological expertise of the staff.
Keywords/Search Tags:Saint john university library, Technology
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