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Parametric resonance and amplification in single and coupled micro electro mechanical systems

Posted on:2004-12-08Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of California, Santa BarbaraCandidate:Baskaran, RajashreeFull Text:PDF
Scaling of mechanical and electrostatic forces and damping in micro scale makes the study of dynamics in electrostatically actuated micro devices interesting. In this thesis, methods of perturbation analysis are used to study non-linear dynamics of single mode and coupled mode micro electro mechanical systems. In particular, parametric resonance and amplification in the micro scale is modeled, analyzed and experimentally studied. Results from bulk micro machined torsion mode single and coupled resonators and in-plane flexural mode single and coupled resonators will be presented. The analytical solutions to single and coupled parametric resonators are experimentally verified. Some applications that benefit from parametric resonance and amplification are also discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Parametric resonance and amplification, Single and coupled, Micro, Mechanical
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