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'Regression' im deutschen Expressionismus bei Franz Marc und Reinhard Goering

Posted on:2001-12-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Euchner, MariaFull Text:PDF
“Regression” is a theme that first found a place in the artistic endeavours of the Romanticists. It served as a catalyst to reach the longed for unity of man with nature. In the light of technology's growth, this desire is revived at the turn of the 20th century with respect to German Expressionism. German artists criticise the morally impoverished society of the Wilhelminian Empire.;The importance of regression as a means to escape the ailing manifestations of the Empire is demonstrated in two examples. The analysis of the artistic work and the theoretical writings of the painter Franz Marc sheds light on the application of the theme as a means to a purifying apocalypse, allowing for the beginning of a new and better world. The consideration of Reinhard Goering's short stories elucidates the view of regression as a negative choice, which in most cases results in the destruction of the self. This standpoint leaves no room for the hope for an improvement of the decaying world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Franz marc
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