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Medicinal Music: An Anatomy of Music in the Healing Arts

Posted on:2017-11-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Prescott CollegeCandidate:Fauble, LisabethFull Text:PDF
Sound and music have been an important part of the human experience as far back as our historical records reach, and cultures all around the world have used aural modalities to heal and communicate for many thousands of years. Current medical evidence and scientific measurements suggest that music and sound are some of the most effective instruments that can be used to facilitate patient recovery from surgery, trauma, and disease. This paper discusses how ancient beliefs and practices concerning music and sound converge with modern knowledge and technology to influence the development of new theories in science and medicine. Religious and cultural anthropology, archaeology, and philosophy point to the prevalence and importance of music and sound in societies that may predate Paleolithic man. The role of sound and music in mind-body mechanisms, consciousness, communication, and emotion are explored through a wide range of notable mathematic, scientific, and evidence-based theories. Recent studies show how music and sound can enhance therapies to transform the brain and relieve mental, emotional, and physical suffering. This burgeoning evidence, along with the proven efficacy of integral healing modalities, can be used to help health professionals, therapists, and individuals craft more effective, sound-based, personalized therapies and treatment plans that perpetuate both individual and collective health and well-being.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music, Sound
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