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A cross-cultural study of Chinese and Western landscape design principles

Posted on:1995-06-15Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Gu, YinqingFull Text:PDF
Cross-cultural understanding and knowledge of different approaches to the design of landscapes is important in order to create sensitive designs and to expand design awareness. Most cross-cultural studies have tended to focus on natural or rural landscapes. Little research has been undertaken, however, that focuses on cross-cultural understanding of built landscapes.;This study examines cross-cultural perceptions and preferences of designed landscapes. A comparison is made of traditional Chinese garden design principles with Western landscape design principles by examining the responses of both Western lay persons and Western design professionals to selected Chinese garden scenes. The research correlates preferences between lay persons and design professionals, analyzes the relationship between professional perceptions of Western and Chinese design principles, and evaluates the relationship between preferences and perceptions of professionals and lay persons.;Implications are drawn regarding Western professionals' and lay people's landscape preferences, differences and similarities in Chinese and Western design principles, and effectiveness of cross-cultural research techniques. The study concludes with directions for further research that would enhance cross-cultural understanding of built landscapes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross-cultural, Landscape, Design principles, Western, Chinese, Understanding
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