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Canadian railroad and elevator rationalization

Posted on:1999-09-08Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:North Dakota State UniversityCandidate:Baldwin, Bridget AnnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2465390014467408Subject:Canadian Studies
The ongoing integration of the North American grain market makes it important for U.S. observers to understand Canada's grain handling and transportation system. Canada's system may undergo profound changes in the next several years as a result of rail deregulation and rationalization of the grain handling sector. Recent U.S. experience in these areas may be instructive. However, given Canada's unique institutional features, it is unclear how much of the U.S. experience is relevant for predicting the pace and direction of change in Canada.This study utilized the Delphi survey method to gauge the opinions of Canadian experts about likely changes in the Canadian grain transportation and handling system. These experts anticipate an increase in short-line miles, a decrease in elevator numbers, and rationalization of the overall rail system. High throughput elevators and changing government regulations should lead to a more efficient, cost-effective grain procurement system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grain, System, Canadian
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