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It's not me you're looking for: A collection of personal essays (Original writing)

Posted on:2003-06-27Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:University of Alaska AnchorageCandidate:Tessaro, KathleenFull Text:PDF
It's Not Me You're Looking For is a collection of personal essays about a rootless woman searching for a place in society amid the domestic ideology of her time, but discovers she cannot force one identity because she has within her many “selves,” which are always shifting and will probably never stop. The author often employs the mosaic form, using memory and reflection to move about in time and place. This patchwork pattern allows her to show her confusion with the world, and the disconnectedness she feels within herself. In the introduction, the author discusses how the first-person point-of-view works in the personal essay, the process involved when writing from fiction to nonfiction, and the political aspects of her writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personal, Writing
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