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Evaluacion economico-ambiental del biodigestor para el tratamiento de aguas residuales provenientes de las granjas de cerdos (Spanish text)

Posted on:2004-01-15Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Quintero Campo, MirllanFull Text:PDF
In spite of the increase in agricultural wastes, agribusiness firms are not assuming those costs associated with avoiding, reducing, or treating agricultural wastes. As a result, those who are not involved in the agricultural production process are finally assuming the external costs of increasing agricultural production, such as wastewater pollution, and CO2, NO2, CH4 emissions.; However, those costs to society could be avoided if firms internalize the environmental costs of agricultural production, using the “ polluters pay” principle. One way of achieving this goal, could be done through the establishment of efficient systems for agricultural production, like for example the installation of a bio-digester that processes agricultural wastes. This tool has been widely used through the world and has proved to be highly effective in controlling wastewater pollution.; For this purpose, this research proposes a technical, economic, and environmental study of the bio-digester, as an alternative for the treatment of wastewaters generated in the swine farm of the Agricultural Experiment Substation (AESL) in Lajas, Puerto Rico. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural, Costs
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