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Driving operational change in the medical office: An internal process

Posted on:2000-12-20Degree:M.H.AType:Thesis
University:University of Houston-Clear LakeCandidate:Weinberg, Arlene EFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014967036Subject:Business Administration
In the medical care delivery arena, as in many other business markets, the only constant seems to be change. The term health care consumer has expanded to include not only the patient, but also private and government benefit administrators, hospitals, third-party insurance payers, regional buying groups, self-insured businesses and the multitude of managed care organizations. Economic survival and retention of personal income is a challenge faced by physicians operating in the current environment of rising overhead costs and declining revenues. Physicians, managers, and clinic staff must take a proactive stance to economic survival by seeking operational efficiencies, streamlining processes, and exploring alternate revenue streams while continuing to respect Hippocratic ideals. This thesis proposes both a philosophy and a practical approach to effect the changes necessary to meet the challenges of the next decade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Change, Medical
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