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Digital mammography breast dosimetry using copper-doped lithium fluoride (LiF:MCP) thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs)

Posted on:2004-06-20Degree:M.S.P.HType:Thesis
University:Uniformed Services University of the Health SciencesCandidate:Tomon, John JFull Text:PDF
The determination of mean glandular dose (MGD) to the breast is an essential aspect of mammography equipment evaluations and exposure controls. The American College of Radiology (ACR) Quality Control Manual outlines the procedure for MGD determination in screen-film mammography based upon conversions of entrance skin exposures (ESEs) measured with an ionization chamber (IC). The use of digital mammography has increased because of the need for improved object resolution and tissue contrast. Digital mammography incorporates a different image receptor (solid-state detector), which may lead to different MGDs compared to screen-film mammography. Therefore, evaluating and verifying the applicability of the ACR's MGD methodology to digital mammography is essential in determining the carcinogenic risk associated with digital mammograms. This research measured the applicability and accuracy of the ACR's MGD methodology to digital mammography. MGD measurements were determined using the light output from TLD-100H (LiF:MCP) TLDs and conversions of ESEs measured with an IC (ACR methodology). (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Mammography, MGD
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