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Prenatal dietary reflections among two generations in a southern First Nations community (Manitoba)

Posted on:2004-01-02Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Neufeld, Hannah Jane TaitFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011474373Subject:Health Sciences
The gradual decline in traditional food usage and knowledge has dramatically affected food consumption patterns for Aboriginal peoples across Canada. As the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples has identified, particularly in regions where industrial development has taken place, the decreased use of country foods has resulted in an increased consumption of nutritionally inferior foods. The consequences of these dietary changes have resulted in nutritional deficiencies and have contributed to the increased incidence of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this study was to investigate and describe changes in access to traditional foods and women's beliefs surrounding food during pregnancy in Peguis First Nation. Specific objectives included the exploration of cultural idea systems related to maternal diet; the importance of traditional food consumption during pregnancy; changes in access to traditional foods; local food security as well as the extent to which diabetes is a concern to women in the community. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Food, Traditional
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