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In vitro fertilization and multiple births: A comparative study of British and American clinics

Posted on:2004-02-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Coven, Victoria JaneFull Text:PDF
This investigation addresses the phenomenon of multiple births that result from the use of In vitro fertilization (IVF). Multiple births occur because women receiving IVF treatment regularly have more than one embryo transferred into their uterus during a treatment cycle. Some countries have introduced legislation to limit the number of embryos transferred in an effort to eliminate high multiple birth rates. I have analysed multiple birth rate data from IVF clinics in the United Kingdom, where such legislation exists, and the United States, where there is no legislation, to establish differences in multiple birth rates between a regulated and non-regulated situation. To support this investigation, data from other countries have also been examined.; An objective of this thesis is to assist in consideration of public policy to protect the health of the mother and child and decrease stress on the health care system which occurs because of an increase in multiple births.
Keywords/Search Tags:Multiple births, Vitro fertilization, Health
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