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The design of a novel accelerometer for the weigh-in-motion application

Posted on:1998-09-16Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Riche, Steven MFull Text:PDF
The design of a novel accelerometer is presented, beginning with the definition of the need for such a device, and following through the detail design analysis, and resulting in the production of a prototype device. The application of the novel accelerometer is directed at the weigh-in-motion system. It is identified that such an application requires that the accelerometer have an especially low cross axis sensitivity, and the novel design attempts to meet this requirement. The thesis also explores the principles of precision instrument design by giving consideration to the influences of material properties and behaviour, as well as thermal sensitivities. The detail design analyses are comprehensive; covering geometrical optimization, electromagnetic optimization, dynamic feedback system analysis and compensation, heat transfer and, electronic analog circuit configuration. A set of performance tests are specified, to be used to evaluate the performance of the prototype device.
Keywords/Search Tags:Novel accelerometer, Device
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