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Structuring change: Exploring the potential of a greenway at Omand's Creek, Winnipeg

Posted on:2000-12-16Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Stadnyk, Eric StephenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014966209Subject:Landscape architecture
Alternative open space design strategies need to be sought which work in concert with those qualities of a landscape which contribute to its inherent sense of place. Traditional planning strategies at Omand's Creek in Winnipeg have recently seen this area evolving from an industrial locale into a typical, big-box retail superstore site. Barely a shade of what it used to be, the waterway has become merely an industrial drainage ditch, with little benefit for wildlife or recreational opportunities. Traditional notions of park space development places islands of parks within the urban fabric, unconnected and unrelated to one another, few and far between.; Greenway design is a recent movement that brings together nature, recreation and the potential to re-think the way cities and green spaces are put together. Re-integrating nature as a greenway at Omand's Creek explores the exciting potential of the revitalisation of the creek, the reuse of the railway corridor, enhancement of the existing park spaces at Bluestem and Westview, and future linkages to the regional context. As well, as a means of urban design, a greenway may resolve the area's changing and temporal land uses and natural and pedestrian activities. A framework is illustrated which will allow for change to continue to occur on the site as it continues to evolve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Omand's creek, Greenway, Potential
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