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The effect of urban open spaces on winter wind speed in residential Guelph, Ontario

Posted on:2001-03-23Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Raymond, Brent AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014954062Subject:Physical geography
Contemporary North American urban form has primarily evolved under economic, political, and technological forces. Often ignored is the role of natural process M developing an environmentally responsive urban form and vernacular design language. Urban design literature commonly states that to develop a vernacular we must consider context. Of the many factors that contribute to context, regional microclimate is arguably the most distinct. Open space, as a major component of the public realm considered m urban design, has changed over time to hold various meanings and functions. However, the impact of open space on microclimate within an urban setting is not clear.; This thesis examines the effect of selected urban open spaces on winter wind speed within residential neighbourhoods in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Study sites were located downwind of open spaces in the direction of the prevailing winter winds. Estimates for each study site were made using an existing empirical microctimatic model obtained from the literature. Wind speed and direction was measured at a standard height of 1.5 m along residential streets. Comparisons between the estimated and measured data illustrate that the complexity of these particular urban situations cannot be easily explained through simple models. A new hypothesis and model for wind movement along residential streets were developed to better explain the relationship between the physical structure of urban form and the physical characteristics of wind movement. Conclusions state the practical implications for both planners and designers for developing an environmentally responsive urban form, and suggest a possible new role for open spaces in an urban setting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban, Open spaces, Wind speed, Residential, Winter
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