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Visualization, geography, and landscape: Visual methods and the study of landscape dereliction as a process

Posted on:1996-02-27Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Krygier, John BFull Text:PDF
The primary goal of this research is to examine how geographic visualization methods relate to research in landscape geography. I develop a conceptualization of geographic visualization and link it to current philosophical, theoretical, conceptual, and practical issues in landscape geography. This conceptualization of geographic visualization is then applied in a case study concerned with landscape dereliction. This case study is used to examine the relations between geography and visual methods in practice, as well as to scrutinize my thesis that landscape dereliction is not only a result of human activity, but is often the impetus for human activity. Landscape dereliction, thus, serves a particular purpose in our broader human--economic, political, social, cultural--context. This research is situated at the intersection of cartography and geography--a "geographic cartography.".;The most general goal of this research is to examine the relations between geography and visual methods. I pursue this goal by developing a conceptualization of geographic visualization, by synthesizing current issues in landscape geography research, and by linking the conceptualization of geographic visualization to a particular case study of landscape dereliction. I seek to provide a working example of visual methods applicable to the exploratory and synthetic stages of research in landscape geography. I argue not only that particular geographic problems suggest particular visualization solutions, but that an understanding of theoretical and philosophical issues in geography can underpin and inform a general conceptualization of geographic visualization. I seek to supplement current research on the critical interpretation of visual representations of landscape with research on visual methods applicable to the practice of landscape geography. I hope to reveal the possibilities of using conceptual and theoretical ideas in landscape geography to enhance and expand the design and use of geographic visualization, while suggesting how geographic visualization can enhance and expand thinking and understanding in landscape geography.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape, Geography, Visualization, Methods
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