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Authoring the tourism landscape of Clayoquot Sound

Posted on:2000-10-16Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Simon Fraser University (Canada)Candidate:White, Brian PeterFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, the process by which tourism values emerge as central considerations in some landscape decision-making is conceptualized.;The main focus of this thesis is the notion of 'tourism landscape authorship,' which conceptualizes the processes by which tourism landscapes are created, change and evolve. The roots of the concept are drawn from an interdisciplinary body of literature which includes work on landscape aesthetics, tourism development, and rural restructuring. These ideas are refined and integrated into a conceptual framework, which guides the empirical research on the evolution of a selected tourism landscape. This dissertation is organized around four central elements which, it is proposed, characterize the process by which new institutional arrangements gain acceptance. The first element is identification, the recognition and exploration of a landscape to discover its beauty, unique cultural and ecological attributes, and touristic opportunities. The second is the element of signification, the interpretation of landscape meaning, involving the creation of selected images of the landscape and its places by induced or organic means (Gunn 1972). The third element is evaluation, the negotiation of a hierarchy of values for landscape resources with stakeholders and government. The fourth element is designation, the decision-making processes that empower and install a particular land and resource use regime. In this dissertation, the conceptual framework is empirically applied in a case study of Clayoquot Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.;Within the context of changing socio-economic structures, changes in the modes of production and consumption impinge upon societal, environmental and economic values. These values find expression as issues arise regarding landscape, tourism, and the environment. Tourism actors and their allies identify landscape resources requiring protection based on their particular visions of landscape. They propose changes to the institutional arrangements governing land use. These proposed changes are contested by stakeholders with landscape visions and interests which reflect the current status quo or some other alternative vision of landscape. This contestation takes place in a wide public arena, utilizing the media and involving a variety of agencies and stakeholders. New institutional arrangements are over time implemented after debates and contests have established the degree and nature of the institutional changes. If the tourism actors and their allies are successful, the new arrangements restrict or remove economic activities that interfere with tourism, environmental, and recreation consumptive values. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism, Landscape, Values, Arrangements
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