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A torsion pendulum investigation of transient Machian effects

Posted on:2001-06-25Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, FullertonCandidate:Mahood, Thomas LouisFull Text:PDF
Mach's Principle proposes that inertia is gravitationally induced by all matter in the universe. Recent theory suggests the possibility of transiently altering the inertial rest mass of an object by means of carefully applied acceleratory motion. When combined with the application of an external force, theory suggests a net force may be extracted, manifesting as a form of "propellantless propulsion." This theory is subjected to experimental test with two differently designed test devices, utilizing a sensitive torsion arm pendulum within an evacuated chamber. Both devices utilized stacks of piezoelectric discs, driven by carefully phased and mixed oscillating power signals, inducing bulk accelerations within the piezoelectric material. Small amounts of motion were observed, consistent with a force being generated by the test devices on the order of 3 x 10--2 dynes, with input power around 100 watts. This is for smaller than predicted and the discrepancy likely results from oversimplification of the theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theory
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