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Optimization of power systems with voltage security constraints

Posted on:2002-09-16Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Waterloo (Canada)Candidate:Rosehart, William DanielFull Text:PDF
As open access market principles are applied to power systems, significant changes in their operation and control are occurring. In the new marketplace, power systems are operating under higher loading conditions as market influences demand greater attention to operating cost versus stability margins. Since stability continues to be a basic requirement in the operation of any power system, new tools are being considered to analyze the effect of stability on the operating cost of the system, so that system stability can be incorporated into the costs of operating the system.; In this thesis, new optimal power flow (OPF) formulations are proposed based on multi-objective methodologies to optimize active and reactive power dispatch while maximizing voltage security in power systems. The effects of minimizing operating costs, minimizing reactive power generation and/or maximizing voltage stability margins are analyzed. Results obtained using the proposed Voltage Stability Constrained OPF formulations are compared and analyzed to suggest possible ways of costing voltage security in power systems.; When considering voltage stability margins the importance of system modeling becomes critical, since it has been demonstrated, based on bifurcation analysis, that modeling can have a significant effect of the behavior of power systems, especially at high loading levels. Therefore, this thesis also examines the effects of detailed generator models and several exponential load models. Furthermore, because of its influence on voltage stability, a Static Var Compensator model is also incorporated into the optimization problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power systems, Voltage
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