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Aircraft transportation system simulation: Using simulation to determine aircraft requirements to deploy an Army Brigade

Posted on:2002-11-18Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Cooper, William BowmanFull Text:PDF
The focus of this thesis is to examine the feasibility of deploying a Brigade Combat Team anywhere in the world within 96 hours. The method of the study is to develop a simulation that replicates the key features of an air-deployment transportation system. The study uses Arena software to simulate moving a Brigade Combat Team by air from any of five locations in the United States, to any of five deployment areas throughout the world within 96 hours.; The variables and constraints of this model include: the hypothetical composition of the Brigade Combat Team (1332 items of vehicles and equipment cargo weighing over a total of 27,738,068 kilograms); the dimensions and weight of vehicles in six categories; 519 C130 aircraft; the flight capabilities and cargo specifications of each of three types of aircraft; and the flight distances between 40 initial locations of the aircraft, five Aerial Ports of Embarkation, and five Aerial Ports of Debarkation. The flight distances between the initial aircraft locations and the five Aerial Ports of Embarkation ranges from 379 kilometers to 11,400 kilometers, and averages 1850 kilometers. The flight distances between the Aerial Ports of Embarkation and the five Aerial Ports of Debarkation ranges from 3220 kilometers to 13,364 kilometers, and averages 7722 kilometers.; The study concludes it is feasible to deploy the Brigade Combat Team within 96 hours between the locations selected for this model. However, these conclusions are attained under specific conditions identified in the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brigade combat team, Aircraft, Five aerial ports, Simulation, Locations
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