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Active transportation as an integral component of urban transport: Factors influencing Winnipeg (Manitoba)

Posted on:2004-01-23Degree:M.C.PType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Cook, Allison ElizabethFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011975245Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
This practicum is a systematic analysis of active transportation at the planning stage of policy and project development, with specific reference to Winnipeg. Active transportation includes all forms of human-powered transportation, such as walking and cycling. In the past, the City of Winnipeg has considered walking and cycling intermittently and the necessary programs and infrastructure have been developed sporadically. This research bridges plans and actions.; The research systematically analyses plans for integrating active transportation into the city's transportation network. The information gathered, analysed and synthesised provides ideas for future development of the active transportation network in Winnipeg. This research can help City officials integrate active transportation modes into Winnipeg's existing transportation system, and determine means to overcome constraints often cited as barriers by the public.; Factors influencing active transportation use are presented, based on literature and experience from leading jurisdictions. These factors are used as the basis for analysing past, present, and future active transportation programs and infrastructure in Winnipeg. City documents and local user group literature is identified and evaluated based on active transportation content. Also, analysis of local, national, and international planning and design guidelines shows their relevance to active transportation integration into multi-use roadways.; Interviews with representatives from local organisations are conducted to gain perspectives on present and future active transportation projects. Interviews also help gather expert information on the planning process, marketing tools, and knowledge of active transportation.; The research contributes to planning knowledge, specifically transportation planning, by applying established planning theories to the field of active transportation. The research also builds on the links between transportation and land use. Findings show that the two areas affect each other and can not be considered separately.
Keywords/Search Tags:Active transportation, Planning, Winnipeg, Factors influencing
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