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Towards a sustainable transportation system in downtown Winnipeg (Manitoba)

Posted on:2004-11-18Degree:M.C.PType:Thesis
University:The University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Bian, ZuminFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011474283Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
This practicum develops a potential strategy for incorporating sustainable transportation and public participatory planning principles into downtown Winnipeg's transportation planning processes. It represents a response to the lack of downtown transportation bylaws for guiding downtown Winnipeg's transportation decision-making. Based in part on a review of existing documentation regarding Winnipeg's transportation plan and downtown Winnipeg's development plan, and the transportation section in particular, this practicum proposes a systematic development of the capital city's transportation planning processes.; The practicum is based on a literature review of emerging transportation planning theories, namely sustainable transportation and public participatory planning theories, to establish the theoretical framework for this study. Winnipeg's existing transportation planning context is explored through an analysis of current local practices in order to seek the potential for employing sustainable transportation and public participatory planning principles in downtown Winnipeg's transportation planning processes. An exploration of downtown transportation planning practices in five other Canadian and American cities (Hamilton, Edmonton and Vancouver, Canada; and Minneapolis and Portland, U.S.A.) develops an understanding of how these theories have been employed in other cities' settings. Interviews with key informants from these five cities are conducted. Finally, comparisons are drawn among these practices to suggest elements deemed useful for downtown transportation planning processes.; Recommendations are offered within downtown Winnipeg's context. They include: developing a comprehensive transportation system which follows the principles of transportation sustainability; incorporating sustainable transportation planning with land use planning; adopting a transportation management strategy; and promoting a participation culture and encouraging broad public participation through network building.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transportation, Planning, Downtown winnipeg
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