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Revitalization of the industrial vestiges in the coastal landscape of Puerto Rico case of Sugar and Honey Pier in Aguadilla

Posted on:2012-08-19Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:Universidad Politecnica Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Fletes Monroy, Lourdes MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011966234Subject:Landscape architecture
The accelerated change in industrial technology driven by need to improve its functions has originated through out history that industrial vestige are left abandoned. These vestiges are part of a community, a culture and a history that remains present in the landscape through its structures. Most of the industrial vestiges that conserved in Puerto Rico are isolated from its environment and from the need of today's world. This provokes deterioration and abandonment, and also brings social, security, maintenance and interpretation problems to the sites. The vestiges that are located on the coast are the most endangered of disappearing due to the climate conditions to which they are exposed and the excess of salinity. However these vestiges have the added value of a double interpretation, from the shore and from the sea, easy access and immediate connection to a coastal community. This is the case of the old Pier in Aguadilla.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial, Vestiges
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