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Role of GIS in residential microgri

Posted on:2017-12-17Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:National University of Singapore (Singapore)Candidate:MonikaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390011489914Subject:Computer Engineering
In this work, GIS has been used to create a real-time dashboard for displaying/visualizing data from the grid on geographical map. Visualization of grid data on the map helps to optimize the demand curve as the users of the system are able to view their consumption/demand, and can modify it accordingly so as to make efficient use of the available energy. Here a prototype of the system has been created using ArcGIS and QGIS. The data of the grid is collected from the simulation of a small residential microgrid developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Though this prototype has been designed keeping in mind the scenario of Singapore and data is limited to residential microgrid, but the system has ability to perform equally well for any commercial or industrial microgrid across the world. While using GIS, the data floats in the network creating issues of data security and customer privacy. To deal with these security and privacy concerns, a simple data security system has been proposed, which not only safeguards the critical information of the users of this system but also looks into maintaining privacy of the customers.
Keywords/Search Tags:GIS, Data, System, Residential
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