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Proposal for a 'practice framework' for lighting design in the Greek construction industr

Posted on:2003-02-11Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of London, University College London (United Kingdom)Candidate:Pandi, IoannaFull Text:PDF
The exploration of the elements and the structure of a lighting design practice framework to be implemented in the Greek construction industry is the research area of this report. A brief presentation of the current state of the local industry and the role of lighting practice in it sets the grounds for the identification of the framework elements. The latter is tested in the industry by a questionnaire survey designed and addressed to a representative sample of professionals. The results are gathered, analysed and presented in order to form the foundations of the final integrated solution. The above establish that the framework's main elements are the regulatory environment, education / training and research establishments, which consist the prerequisites for the introduction of lighting design as an additional (not currently existing in the local industry) professional practice in Greece. A set of recommendations for initiating the framework's realisation and the identification of further research issues complete the current the report.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lighting design, Practice
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