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South City Centre: An urban pla

Posted on:2004-04-12Degree:M.E.DesType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Dyer, Geoffrey TFull Text:PDF
The South City Centre is a proposed town centre along Calgary's southeast edge that will be the home to: the Calgary Health Region's new health care facility; a pedestrian scaled commercial street; regional big box retail; significant non-retail employment; two transit stations along a new southeast LRT line; a major regional park; a recreation centre; a high school; and a range of housing opportunities. The design process engages both the "real-world" design of the site and a more ideal academic plan. Hired as an urban design consultant, I was able to play a significant role in a three month real-world design process with Gibbs Gage Architects from early visioning through to plan submittal. The real-world process provided invaluable insight into the compromises and constraints effecting the site allowing for a more informed academic design process.;The academic design process and urban plan constitutes the main body of this MDP. After establishing a design approach, urban design concepts are illustrated and explore a walkable, mixed use town centre from the scale of the region to the design of individual places. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Centre, Urban, Design process
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