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What can Regina Emergency Medical Services do to create a workplace culture of collaboration and community

Posted on:2006-09-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:McKay, Darcy Leigh AlvinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2459390008971310Subject:Health Sciences
The dynamics of relationships among employees at Regina Emergency Medical Services (EMS) make up a rich and diverse group of people. This research project explores creating a culture of community and collaboration within that diverse workplace. Positive change in an organization and organizational culture will only occur through the thoughts, ideas and wills of the practitioners who make up the organization. Creating community and collaboration will in turn create a positive work environment, which will in turn have a positive effect on patient care, employee retention, development, and motivation. This knowledge and precedence will allow employees at Regina EMS to be significantly more effective and efficient in their response to change and internal and external demands. The recommendations and findings provided by this research project will assist the organization in making informed decisions and in implementing strategies that foster a productive working environment for all employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regina, Employees, Culture, Collaboration
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