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Essays in the Value of Intermediaries in the Real Estate Market

Posted on:2017-06-01Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Shui, XiFull Text:PDF
The thesis consists of two chapters on real estate economics.;In the first chapter, I study the impact of intermediaries in the real estate transactions. In many markets, intermediaries collect a substantial amount of commission in exchange for their expertise. Real estate is a prominent example---Americans paid more than ;In the second chapter, I geocode a rich real estate repeated sales dataset and map each property to its school district and neighborhood. I study how big data algorithms differ from OLS regression in predictive power and how robust those algorithms are to data stratification. I find that it is computationally expensive for the random forest algorithm to use step functions to approach the linear data generating process. Once there are fewer predictors, the RF algorithm outperforms other algorithms. This is robust to different model specifications. In addition, the random forest algorithm provides similar results under different stratifications. I also study the effect of keywords on sales price and how informative they are in predicting sales price. I find that certain keywords can be valuable in explaining variation in the data but have insignificant impact on the average sales price, suggesting that the interaction between such keywords and other house features together should be considered when we specify our models. Lastly, I am able to exploit cross time variation in school academic performance index to identify the effect of school quality on house prices controlling for neighborhood fixed effect. I find school quality has a robust significantly positive effect on property sales price.
Keywords/Search Tags:Real estate, Sales price, Intermediaries, School, Effect
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