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Aspects of security risks affecting small e-businesses and a tool to minimize these risks

Posted on:2006-01-01Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Tonnu, Nhi YFull Text:PDF
GTID:2459390008955861Subject:Computer Science
Of recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of the Internet for conducting business. Since the cost of building a website is reasonably low, businesses can reach larger markets faster and more economically. Businesses in developing countries can also benefit from E-Commerce. However, most small businesses in developing countries cannot afford to have their own servers, they rely on the third party hosting or their Internet Service Provider to host their site. This creates a security vulnerability for business since the web-hosting companies also have access to their data.; Connectivity is another problem in the developing countries. Downtime occurs often due to power outages. Kerberos and SSL, systems used in developed countries cannot be used in developing countries. They do not protect the stored data and do not operate efficiently when connection is slow and unreliable.; In this thesis, we propose a system named CASCUN (Capability-Based Authentication and Security Communication System in Unreliable Network) which uses capabilities to provide user authentication and access control and relies on strong encryption to protect data on storage. Capabilities have an extended lifetime of up to four weeks to scope with the connectivity problem in developing countries. The analytical and experimental results shows CASCUN is a better choice over Kerberos.
Keywords/Search Tags:Developing countries, Security, Businesses
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