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Operation and efficiency of the DO Central Track Trigger

Posted on:2006-02-06Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Cooke, Michael PFull Text:PDF
The Central Track Trigger (CTT), a subsystem of the DO collider detector at Fermilab, plays a key role in selecting which of the 1.7 million proton-antiproton beam crossing events are written to permanent storage. In order to provide constant monitoring of this triggering process, a software package, the CTT Examine, was created. This monitoring program provides useful immediate feedback about the output of the CTT and allows control room operators to diagnose many problems that might otherwise compromise data quality. The performance of the CTT is also directly tested by examining Z → ee events. The global efficiency of the CTT for finding high transverse momentum (pT) tracks in the run range [151831, 178310), taken between April 20th, 2002 and June 24th, 2003, is found to be 85.1 +/- 1.0%. The efficiency of the CTT with respect to offiine reconstructed tracks is 91.3 +/- 1.0%.
Keywords/Search Tags:CTT, Efficiency
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