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Transformation to a client-focused organizational culture

Posted on:2006-06-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Chater, DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:2459390008453412Subject:Business Administration
This research study examined how Land Information BC (LIBC) could create a client-focused organizational culture. The study led to recommendations on how LIBC could transform to become more client focused. A division-wide staff survey and a focus group of selected leaders were conducted during the study. Data were gathered to determine staff views on the factors that affect organizational culture and leadership practices are being implemented within the division. The study also gathered staff insights on what is currently working, what needs improving, and what the priorities should be for improvement within the organization.; Exemplary leadership emerged as the central theme resulting from this study. Leadership is the catalyst for sustainable change in an organizational culture. It is recommended that leadership development become a core priority to enable the transformation of LIBC to enable the successful transformation of LIBC to a client-focused organization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizational culture, Client-focused, LIBC, Transformation
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