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Wearther: An ios mobile application for women

Posted on:2014-07-04Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Kang, TingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390005993849Subject:Design and Decorative Arts
Have you ever wondered what to wear for the current weather and later when you go outside you confirm that you were too optimistic about your ability to endure the cold? Wearther: an iOS Mobile Application for Women is an iOS Mobile Application designed to help women choose the proper outfit that matches the weather outside. It is an interaction design and visual design project. Unlike other dressing related application, "Wearther" is not a clothing organizer or a fashion adviser. It is not a weather app either, although it emphasizes weather. The concept of this project is to analyze real fabric information and then to suggest proper clothing from the user's personal wardrobe based on weather condition. The application provides two options for the user to add their clothing items into the Wardrobe section: from photo and scan barcode. Users can set the time that they are preparing outfits for, and then the application will provide a pool of proper clothing based on the weather condition at the selected time. After wearing the outfit, the user can log how she felt about the outfit. The application will then learn from the user's feedback to adjust and provide more personalized suggestions next time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Application, Weather, Wearther
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