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Does culture affect form: Creating architecture and community from culture (Maryland)

Posted on:2005-11-27Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Gill, Lihia MelissaFull Text:PDF
America's diverse cultures influence how space is used and designed. Suburban American planning fails to address Latino needs for social as well as private spatial patterns.; This project poses the question: How do cultural influences affect form? Can they be applied at both the urban and building scale? This project seeks to design a cohesive center for Langley Park by addressing the urban needs, as well as spatial patterns influenced by and reflective of the Latino culture. Using historical and contemporary precedents to create an image-able center, a new Community Center will be the anchor piece for the proposed square. The need for urban "Placitas" (plazas) for cultural amenities such as street vending and socialization is also documented.; This project defines the influence of cultural values on architectural and urban form and discusses how these forms create a sense of community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culture, Form, Community, Urban
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