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Social responsibility in major newspapers coverage of '9/11 lapses' controversy

Posted on:2005-08-17Degree:M.S.JType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Tran, Hai LongFull Text:PDF
This study measures major newspapers' performance in covering the "September 11 lapses" controversy against social responsibility principles. Content analysis of 535 newspaper items, published by the New York Times, Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today in one year (Sept. 12, 2001--Sept. 11, 2002), found the papers did not live up to journalistic precepts traditionally listed as required for the press in a democratic society. They were successful in providing a source of comprehensive and balanced information, a forum for exchange of comment and criticism on the government's losses and failures. However, major newspapers failed to aggressively pursue independent investigative journalism as a watchdog representing the people's right to know.
Keywords/Search Tags:Major
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