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Digital Storytelling in a Science Curriculum: The Process of Digital Storytelling to Help the Needs of Fourth Grade Students Understand the Concepts of Food Chains

Posted on:2013-03-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Hofstra UniversityCandidate:Titus, Una-BellelindaFull Text:PDF
In this study I investigate if digital storytelling process will help the needs of the fourth grade students in an elementary school setting learn science concepts, specifically food chains. I focused on three students who varied in social and academic skills/behaviors to investigate their process in working on a digital story. My findings proved that digital storytelling scripts, storyboards, and graphic organizers helped students create a story telling about what happened in their food chain but students couldn't retain the information on food chains to help them in taking their post test. The graphic organizers were able to scaffold and help organize students' thinking. The digital scripts allowed students to comprehend science concepts and explain them to peers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students, Digital, Help the needs, Food chains, Science, Process, Concepts
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