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A Critical Ethnography of Education in the Edmonton Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Posted on:2013-02-19Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Chubb, Aaron DFull Text:PDF
This study asks how members of the Edmonton Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) are learning to challenge capitalist hegemony.;A critical ethnographic method is used to explore the question. A history of education in the IWW and related movements provides a foreground to findings and analysis in this contemporary study.;A rich practise of workers‘ education is found in the Edmonton and wider IWW which—aided by actions of solidarity—influences working-class struggles beyond membership.;A combination of organic and traditional intellectuals engage in a revolutionary praxis of anarcho-syndicalism and related theories reinterpreted through struggles that attempt to challenge capitalist hegemony pre-figuratively in the workplace and on the picket lines of Edmonton.;Key words include: adult education, anarchism, ethnography, hegemony, organic intellectuals, Marxism, revolutionary praxis, social class, social movement learning, syndicalism, union organizing and workers‘ education.
Keywords/Search Tags:IWW, Education, Edmonton, Hegemony
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