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'Le Traite des Devoirs' de Nicolas Mavrocordatos

Posted on:2006-03-13Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Kamperidis, LambrosFull Text:PDF
The subject of this thesis is to provide a presentation, translation into French and a comprehensive commentary to the "Treatise on Duties" of Alexander Mavrokordatos, the Phanariot governor of Moldavia and Valachia in the early 18th century. As shown by the analysis of the document, the author had chosen to write on this subject in order to offer an ideological basis to serve as the groundwork of the social, political and judicial reforms that he wished to introduce to the Danubian principalities upon the inauguration of his reign. A similar work on duties had been undertaken a few decades earlier in northern Europe by Samuel Pufendorf. Mavrokordatos wished to connect the subject of duties to its primeval sense by relating it to the theory of duties elaborated in antiquity by Stoicism. In many respects his work follows the work of Cicero on duties (De officiis), which in turn is based on the doctrines of Panetius. Not entirely satisfied with the pagan philosophers, Mavrokordatos follows the principles emanating from another work on duties, this time inspired by a Christian author; the bishop of Milan Ambrosius (De officiis). These works, however, do not constitute the only sources of inspiration for our author. By choosing this exhortatory style Mavrokordatos integrates his work in the line of the exhortatory and sapiential works common to his Romanian predecessors, who have instituted a literary genre that is usually addressed by the leaders of a dynastic lineage to their descendants. A classic example is offered by the Instructions of Neagoe Basarab to his son Theodosius. One has to bear in mind that the dynastic line of the Mavrokordatos family found its successful realization in the person of Nicolas' son Constantine, who became famous for his constitutional work and the introduction of substantial reforms in Romanian society, instituted under his reign. In many respects his father's work on duties is not to be regarded simply as a work on ethics, but as a literary monument contributing to the realization of the social, political and cultural reforms that brought Romania in line with the European nations of the Enlightenment.
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